Friday, September 24, 2010

Allegory Of The Cave

In Plato's Allegory of The Cave, Socrates is explaining to his young follower Glaucon that we inhabit a world of  Ignorance , where people can't accept the truth. He explains to Glaucon that when you want to expand your  Wisdom  that people may look at you like your weird , but when you understand the fact and  acknowledged the truth you will never want to go back to ignorance.


  1. 1. Is the main idea (thesis) of the passage clearly and correctly stated?
    Yes the main idea is stated but it is very short and vague
    2. Are the important supporting ideas stated correctly and fully?
    No, there was not much information involved in the passage
    3. Are all (or nearly all) unimportant ideas excluded?
    4. Is the summary in the writer’s own words?
    Yes the words were in the writer's own words
    5. Is the summary written with few grammar/spelling/style errors?
    6. Does the summary retain the sense and organization of the original passage?
    7. Is personal opinion included in the summary?

    The passage in my opinion wasn’t very good it was just straight at point. The main idea was included but what is missing is the information that supports the main idea which makes it dull. Even though I’m criticizing the passage this way, I myself wouldn’t have written much either because in my opinion the story ‘’Allegory in the cave’’ wasn’t very interesting and it isn’t a topic to really write much about. Another good thing about the passage was written in your own words, they weren’t copied right off the story.

  2. Hi, this is Kevin Gallego

    My blog is

    1. Is the main idea (thesis) of the passage clearly and correctly stated?
    2. Are the important supporting ideas stated correctly and fully?
    3. Are all (or nearly all) unimportant ideas excluded?
    4. Is the summary in the writer’s own words?
    5. Is the summary written with few grammar/spelling/style errors?
    6. Does the summary retain the sense and organization of the original passage?
    7. Is personal opinion included in the summary?

    In my opinion Michael A., your passage isn’t as good because of the fact there weren’t many details involved. That’s what makes it a little vague. What I did like about the passage was that it was written in your own words and there weren’t any spelling errors.

  3. hey thanks for the comment i appreciate it
