Monday, December 13, 2010

Blog 17

As i reviewed all my blogs i have noticed i completed most but didnt complete all the blogs that i was assigned. Also as i reviewed my blogs i could see the building of my writing from blog 6 to blog 16. I use to create essays with out indenting incorrect pronunciation, no paragraphing , and not answering directly what the author was mentioning in his essay. Thanks  to Doctor X and the method of blogging she helped me become a better writer then i was in the past. We were told to do several tactic such as proofreading others work to see the mistakes, and also see great techniques other writers had so we could become better writers. The proof reading method allowed me to go back to my work and correct the errors in my writing, and include better tactics to enhance my writing. When i viewed my old blogs i would write about a topic and give irelavant information not pertaining to the story leaving readers confused. Now when i look at my writings now i state what the author is trying to explain, also giving at least two examples from experience or from noticing that cocucld help you let readers know what they are mentioning in the essay. What i should have done was reread all the past blogs i have written and correct them making alll my blogs up to date showing the improvement i had from earlier this year. As i looked back at my blog 6 if that was the actual catw i dont think i meet the requirments to pass the test. I recently jus took the catw thanks to the blog i think i use the correct methods to pass the test, and im about 85 percent sure i passed thanks to the lessons from Doctor X, and the blogs

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