Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blog 11

 The most interesting idea in this article is the devolpment of how fast food originated. In this article it explains how the poor who have no home food go out for cheap fast foods, and as time accumulates businesses notice this is what people are spending there money on. So buisnesses create new fast food restaurants, giving great advertisments and deals which gives them lots of recognition. What i dont agree with is that they say young black men spend most of there money on fast food. People all around the world even if there black, white, chinese, or latino consume there money on there own specific fast foods, giving fast food more recognition.

 What i never noticied was that many teenagers are protien poor but fat , and carbohydrate rich. This is due to the fact of all the supersizing, and overdosing of fast foods making teenageers unhealthy. This gives a high percentage of obiesity in our communities. At the end of the day its the people choice, we all have the right to choose what we eat. So all these fast foods actually are you using good buinsess tactics making americans want to spend on there buisness.

  What this article reminds me of is a movie called supersize me. In this movie called supersize me it views a man that was perfectly healthy according to doctors. It would view this man eating mcdonalds for the two months for breakfast, lunch, and dinnner. As time grew and he consumed mcondalds his blood pressure was rising, he gained 25 pounds in two months, and had lots of body fat making him completley unhealthy. Showing the criticism that nutritions had against mcdonalds or even fast foods.

 After this article i wouldnt recommend that you stop eating fast food. I would jus recommend that you would balance how much you choose to eat fast food. If you choose to eat some thing to much or even take medicine to much there can be side affects to overdosing. Just as the side affect this man in supersize faced obiesity throwing up, and high body fat. Fast food is a verry taste experience and i dont go against it, but i go against to much consuming of fast food.


  1. There is a saying: "you vote with your fork." If people stop consuming so much fast food, the companies will get the message, so you are right about having some choice on the matter.

  2. Blog Series Evaluation 4: This blog series is missing the evaluation of two CATWs from another class as well as Blog 12.

    For the next set of blogs, I recommend checking your entries for grammar errors (Blogger marks them with red underlining). Also you tend to confuse the words "their," "they are" and "there" as well as "too" with "to."

  3. Suggestion: do the Word Choice exercises in Grammar Bytes (the link is in my blog on the right-hand side).

    The URL is

  4. I would say this is a pretty good response. But, like Dr. X says, you are going to give the CAT-W readers a real headache with the word choices and phrasings here. For example, on the second read I get that "People all around the world even if there black, white, chinese, or latino consume there money on there own specific fast foods, giving fast food more recognition" means something like "People all over the world, regardless of race, spend their money on fast food and that keeps the fast food giants in business." But it takes me a second to translate it. So, you really write like poetry. Which I like! But, the CAT readers will freak (they read about 1000 essays a day each) which is not a good thing. Can you dumb it down for them a bit?
